8:00 AM – 8:40 AM | Check In/RegistrationGreat Hall |
8:40 AM – 8:50 AM | CTC Opening RemarksGreat Hall |
8:50 AM – 9:20 AM | CIO AddressChris Kielt, CIO, UNC-CHGreat Hall |
Room 2420 | Room 2422 | Room 3407 | Room 3408 |
Session 19:30 AM – 10:10 AM | Design Thinking in Educational TechnologyStefanie Panke | IT Policy AMAKim Stahl | Agile ProgrammingBradley Cummins et. al. |
Session 210:15 AM – 10:55 AM | Accelerated Two-Step Verification Roll OutDennis Schmidt | Zoom MeetingsSuzanne Caldwell, Tim Poe | Clusters to CloudsTim McGuire, K. Eklund | Office 365: What's New, What's Coming - Part 1BrianAndregg, A. Campbell, M. Cross |
Session 311:00 AM - 11:40 AM | DNS Sec FiltersW. Whitiker, A Everett | Zoom WebinarPaul Lamontagne | AR/VR PanelBrian Moynihan | Office 365: What's New, What's Coming - Part 2Brian Andregg, A. Campbell, M. Cross |
11:40 AM - 1:00 PM | LunchGreat Hall |
1:00 PM - 1:50 PM | Keynote AddressUnion AuditoriumDavid Williams, NVIDIA Solutions ArchitectWorking with customers all over the southeast US, from Fortune 100 companies to cutting edge AI startups, David spends his days deep in the world of GPUs and Artificial Intelligence. Prior to NVIDIA, David studied computer engineering at Northwestern University in Chicago, IL. NVIDIA is the preeminent AI platform company, and David works to guide customers at every level of hardware and software so they can be empowered to solve the world’s hardest problems. |
2:00 PM - 2:45 PM | IT Awards CeremonyUnion Auditorium |
About the Sessions
Design Thinking in Educational Technology
Stefanie Panke, Instructional Analyst, School of Government
Room 2420
Design thinking is a problem solving method geared to overcome wicked problems, that have no right or wrong solution and resist traditional scientific and engineering approaches. During the design thinking process, the facilitator encourages participants to see constraints as inspiration. The results are typically not directed toward a technological “quick fix” but toward new integration of signs, things, actions, and environments. Developing university websites and stewarding educational technology projects is one such challenge that can benefit greatly from applying design thinking principles and processes.
IT Policy AMA
Kim Stahl, ITS Senior Policy and Process Lead
Room 2422
A brief introduction to IT policy changes this year, followed by discussion. This will focus on the new Access Control, Change Management, and IT Vendor Management policy changes, but discussion can include any policy questions or topics of interest.
Panel Discussion: Agile Programming Practices
Bradley Cummins, Applications Specialist, NC AHEC, and a whole posse
Room 3408
Over the last decade in the IT industry, particularly in software development, Agile Project Management has revolutionized the manner in which product owners, managers, and developer teams communicate and work together. Agile strives for early and continuous delivery of software, welcomes changing requirements, and expects close cooperation between stakeholders and developers. This panel discussion looks to highlight how Agile Project Management is being leveraged on campus. We welcome questions and input from those in attendance.
Accelerated Two-Step Verification Roll Out
Dennis Schmidt, Assistant Vice Chancellor for Information Security and Privacy and Chief Information Security Officer
Room 2420
Accelerated 2-Step Verification Roll Out ITS has announced an accelerated plan to require 2-Step verification for all Office 365 users by early December. This presentation gives some background on why the urgency.
Zoom Meetings
Suzanne Caldwell and Tim Poe
Room 2422
Zoom for meetings (including calendar plugin and H.323/SIP dialing. Also peripherals, training, documentation, screen sharing, PHI.
Clusters to Clouds: A Look at the Changing Landscape of Research Computing at UNC Chapel Hill
Tim McGuire, Director, Campus Infrastructure Services
Room 3407
The UNC Research Computing team has engaged in a deep look at how we are fulfilling our mission of advancing computational research at UNC. This presentation will document some of the data gathered, the lessons we learned and conclusions we reached on this journey.
Office 365: What’s New, What’s Coming – Part 1
Alison Campbell, Office 365 Program Manager with User Support and Engagement in ITS
Brian Andregg, Security and Systems Manager with School of Public Health
Mark Cross, O365 Systems Specialist with Infrastructure and Operations in ITS
Room 3408
This is a double session so there’s plenty of time to answer questions and talk through things. We’ll cover updates over the last 6 months and what’s coming next. We’ll also talk through everything related to Office 365 Groups, distribution groups vs. listservs, etc., how we use Office 365 in our daily work, and storing sensitive information in Office 365.
DNS Security Filtering
Will Whitaker, DDI Architect, ITS Comm Tech
Alex Everett
Room 2420
We will give an overview of our experience testing and deploying the Domain Name System (DNS) Security Filtering Service from MCNC that is powered by Akamai’s recently added cloud-based Enterprise Threat Protector platform. This is a new service offered by MCNC, a non-profit that operates the statewide education and research networks. The service operates as the name resolution layer, e.g. translating unc.edu to, and intercepts the earliest network data in flight before a connection is made. Endpoints can be protected when they are on the institution’s network or remote. With the security filtering service, one can identify and prevent malware, ransomware, and phishing attacks.
Zoom Webinar
Paul Lamontagne, AV Technician, College of Arts & Sciences, OASIS
Room 2422
Zoom offers video conferencing, software-defined conference room connectors, H.323/SIP bridging and of course a cloud-based webinar solution. In this presentation, I will be covering Zoom Webinar in detail. I have used Zoom Webinar for the last two years and found it a wonderful tool to host webinars. Within Zoom Webinar, I will be going over feature set, a general webinar workflow, software set up, etc.
Panel Discussion: UNC Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality Interest Group
Brian Moynihan, Head of Health Technology and Informatics, Health Sciences Library
Room 3407
There is a growing interest in Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality at UNC, with services available through the libraries and in
departments across campus. Join us for an interest group meeting to learn what others are doing on campus in the field and how we can work together to promote educational and research uses of AR & VR.
Office 365: What’s New, What’s Coming – Part 2
Brian Andregg, Alison Campbell, Mark Cross
Room 3408
A continuation of the discussion from Session 1.